楊立仁牧師 (Pastor Li-Jen Yang)
阿爸父,祢真是好: Abba Father, You are so good: 加拉太Acts 4:6-7, 路加11:1-2
6:08:00 PM
許志靖傳道 (Matthew Hsu)
彰顯主的榮美: Let The Beauty & Glory of Jesus Be Seen In Me: 哥林多後書3:17,18 (2 Corinthians 3:17,18)
10:05:00 AM
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“主就是那靈. 主的靈在那裡, 那裡就得以自由. 我們眾人既然徜著臉, 得以看見主的榮光, 好像從鏡子裡返照, 就變成主的形狀, 榮上加榮, 如同從主的靈變成的”
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces, all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
認識聖靈 Knowing of The Holy Spirit
聖靈的七個名字 Seven other names
神的靈 Spirit of God
耶和華的靈 Spirit of Jehovah
耶穌的靈 Spirit of Jesus
基督的靈 Spirit of Christ
主的靈 Spirit of the Lord
真理的靈 Spirit of Truth
聖善的靈 Spirit of Holiness
我們也說到聖靈的七個工作 Seven works:
聖靈的施洗 Baptism
聖靈的印記 Seal
聖靈的充滿 Fill up
聖靈的差派 Send
聖靈的帶領 Lead
聖靈的嘆息 Sigh
聖靈的擔憂 Grieve
聖靈的四個功用 Four functions:
保護 Protection
教訓 Teaching
安慰 Comfort
施恩惠 Giving grace
“主就是那靈. 主的靈在那裡, 那裡就得以自由. 我們眾人既然徜著臉, 得以看見主的榮光, 好像從鏡子裡返照, 就變成主的形狀, 榮上加榮, 如同從主的靈變成的”
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces, all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
認識聖靈 Knowing of The Holy Spirit
聖靈的七個名字 Seven other names
神的靈 Spirit of God
耶和華的靈 Spirit of Jehovah
耶穌的靈 Spirit of Jesus
基督的靈 Spirit of Christ
主的靈 Spirit of the Lord
真理的靈 Spirit of Truth
聖善的靈 Spirit of Holiness
我們也說到聖靈的七個工作 Seven works:
聖靈的施洗 Baptism
聖靈的印記 Seal
聖靈的充滿 Fill up
聖靈的差派 Send
聖靈的帶領 Lead
聖靈的嘆息 Sigh
聖靈的擔憂 Grieve
聖靈的四個功用 Four functions:
保護 Protection
教訓 Teaching
安慰 Comfort
施恩惠 Giving grace