2012 NTACC October Retreat

9:23:00 PM

If you have not registered, please do so immediately before 1st run Early Bird Registration ends at Noon, October 6th. Online Pre-registration only takes 10 seconds of your time!

We count on you to forward this invitation to at least 10 friends/classmates. If you have always wished to introduce Jesus Christ to your friends/classmates. This is the opportunity! It takes only a click and this may be the life-changing retreat for your friends/classmates.  
Pre-register at

NTACC is hosting its 2012 October Retreat. All are cordially invited. The retreat fee per attendee is a low tag of $20.  Pre-registered Attendees will be able to select their own flavors of BUBBLE TEA. Yes, you see it right, FREE BUBBLE TEA made fresh with very chewy and tangy tapioca and the tea cup is sealed tight so it only can be served through the special bubble tea straws to indulge your taste buds.
The FREE BUBBLE TEA will be served in each day, please indicate your your preferred flavors in the registration form.

It gets better for those who pre-register early.  Those who pre-register online by Noon, Sat. October 6th will be entered to TWO raffles; the 1st Early Bird Raffle for a $50 prize and the 2nd Early Bird Raffle for a $25 prize.  Subsequent pre-registration by Noon, Sat. October 13th will enter to ONE raffle - the 2nd Early Bird Raffle for a chance to win a $25 prize. If you miss the Early Bird pre-registration, don't be discouraged, all attendees are entered to a general raffle for winning 3 NTACC 2012 T-shirts and also you will surely enjoy your THREE servings of FREE BUBBLE TEA.  

Registration is E-Zzz!

1st Step: (This takes 10 seconds!) Pre-register online in EventBrite.com by filling in your brief information and print out a ticket as a proof of pre-registration.

2nd Step: (This takes less than 1 minute!) Find the detailed registration form at the end of this Event Description. Please simply copy and paste the registration form section into your email and fill out the required information incling your 3 selections of bubble tea flavors, then email your detailed registration form to tacc.usinfo@gmail.com. Print a hard copy of your email and ask your parent/guardian sign the form (if you are 18 years old or younger).  This 2nd step completes your event registration.

3rd Step: (Just print!) Upon your  6PM evening arrival on Friday, October 19th, please note you are required to turn in the print copy of your completed registration form (with signature of parental/guardian consent if you're 18 years old or under) and $20 Retreat Fee to Clarence at admission desk to pick up your name tag and effect your admission.

My apology if you've gotten redundant emails.  Thank you for your support to NTACC ministry.

Elder Michael

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Lords Grace Christ Church
47-14 Glenwood Street
Little Neck, New York 11362

(347) 983-9700
(347) 450-4237

Bus Q12: Last stop (one block south)
Bus N20 / N21: First stop after Little Neck Parkway (two block south)

Church Schedule
Sunday: Combined Worship 11:00-12:45 PM
English Worship 11:15-12:30 PM
Sunday School 1:15-2:15 PM
Friday: Youth Group: 7:30 PM