Howard Chan

復活的實際意義: The Reality and Centrality of the Resurrection

11:00:00 AM
Gregg Farah

Be Ready

12:00:00 PM
戴路傳道 (Dai Lu)

教會-神永恆旨意奧秘的中心之一: 基督與教會

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Pastor Saah Hali

What's the Position of Your Mirror's

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胡至誼牧師 (Pastor Isaac Hu)


11:00:00 AM

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Lords Grace Christ Church
47-14 Glenwood Street
Little Neck, New York 11362

(347) 983-9700
(347) 450-4237

Bus Q12: Last stop (one block south)
Bus N20 / N21: First stop after Little Neck Parkway (two block south)

Church Schedule
Sunday: Combined Worship 11:00-12:45 PM
English Worship 11:15-12:30 PM
Sunday School 1:15-2:15 PM
Friday: Youth Group: 7:30 PM